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Key factors for game balancing

Developing a Play2Earn game poses numerous challenges despite its vast potential for growth. From the lessons learned from GameFi projects that experienced explosive growth in their early stages only to fade away due to uncontrolled token supply, inflation, and complete collapse, it is clear that these issues are not unexpected. Therefore, when developing a web3 version for Cyber Fighters, we highlighted several core elements to balance the 'earn' aspect in the game to create a sustainable in-game economy.

  • Entertainment and passion are our top priorities
  • Only a limited number of deserving players will receive attractive rewards
  • Implementing token buybacks to supply the reward pools

Entertainment and passion are our top priorities

How to maintain sustainability in Play-to-Earn games has been still controversial. Our argument is that the key to building a sustainable Play-to-Earn economy is to eliminate 'play to earn' as a core part of the message and expectation for both players and game designers.

Our team needs to focus on creating real value for players by making games that people genuinely enjoy and want to spend time playing. In designing, we need to find ways to maintain an enjoyable gaming experience for all types of users while still exploring new gaming areas that blockchain can unlock.

Only a limited number of deserving players will receive attractive rewards

All players who own NFTs can join Play2Earn, similar to other GameFi projects. The number of NFT holders and the number of NFTs they own are out of control. In Cyber Fighters, only a few rewards are distributed through daily quests and regular gameplay. Our approach is to build an in-game leaderboard to allocate sufficiently large and attractive rewards to players who reach certain top rankings.

This solution stimulates intense competition within the game, creating excitement while increasing attractive rewards to compensate for the limited earnings.

Essentially, players are ranked based on the following criteria:

  • Player level
  • Character attack stats
  • Total earning stats of the NFTs the player owns: character earning stats, equipment earning stats, pet earning stats
  • Win rate in PVP mode
  • Rank battles
  • Achievements

Implementing token buybacks to supply the reward pools

To limit inflation and ensure the sustainability of the in-game economy, we will restrict the allocation of tokens from the total supply into reward pools for players.

Instead, whenever we generate profits from running ads, in-game item sales, marketplace transaction fees, and giveaways with partners, we will allocate a certain percentage to buy back tokens circulating in the market. These tokens will then be transferred into the reward pools for players.

This approach aims to effectively slow down the growth rate of the total tokens circulating in the market, allowing the market to absorb and balance them. The buyback can also help reduce the circulating supply locally, stabilizing the value and market capitalization of the Cyber token.