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Play to airdrop

On the journey to conquer the world of web3 in Cyber Fighters, we always prioritize and focus on building a truly vibrant and dynamic web3 community.

Before the official launch on web3, we will kickstart with a phase by providing an attractive Airdrop opportunity to all players in this phase, which is called “Play to Airdrop”. Stay tuned with us and don't miss out on this opportunity

How to join?

Please follow our official announcement channels on Telegram, Discord, and X because all information about the official start and end dates of this phase will be detailedly announced there.

Join Telegram

Join Discord

Join X

Simply participate in playing the game regularly during this phase to have more opportunities to receive attractive Airdrops in the form of Tokens and Hero NFTs.

What is the Airdrop mechanism?

The basis for calculating the airdrop rewards will be based on the following ranking table:

Ranking Score = Total points earned after each battle + Points earned from completing tasks + Total number of NFT fragments collected * 100 + Number of referrals * 10

  • Points earned after each battle will be randomly generated from 5 to 15 points.
  • NFT fragments will have a chance to drop during battles.
  • Tasks to earn points
    • Connect your account to X to receive 100 points
    • Connect your account to Telegram to receive 100 points
    • Connect your account to Discord to receive 100 points
    • Follow Cyber Fighters' X to receive 100 points
    • Join Cyber Fighters' Telegram to receive 100 points
    • Join Cyber Fighters' Discord to receive 100 points
    • Repost daily posts on X, each repost receives 100 points

When to receive Airdrop?

The official time for the airdrop will be announced prior to the token listing. Please follow us on our social channels or receive information through the gameplay process.

What is the reward?

If you meet the criteria on the leaderboard, you will receive CFT tokens, and if you're lucky, you may also receive additional Hero NFTs. It's important to note that these Hero NFTs are among the first ones even before Box NFTs are made available for purchase. This adds significant value to these NFTs