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Equipment NFT

This is the final type of NFT in Cyber Fighters. This type of NFT has the lowest value among the three types due to its popularity. Similar to Pets, using Equipment NFT not only increases the character's power but also helps boost the Earn attribute.

How to own an Equipment NFT?

You can obtain Equipment NFTs by oening Box NFT with a 76% chance of receiving one, purchasing from other players on the marketplace or crafting using NFT fragments collected during gameplay.

How to ow an Equipment NFT

Can an account own unlimited Equipment NFTs?

You can own an unlimited number of Equipment NFTs. However, when participating in battles, you can only equip a certain number of Equipment NFTs based on the maximum equipment slots of each character. The total Earn attribute of the character will be calculated based on the Equipment NFTs you equip on the character.

Does the Earn attribute increase after upgading Equipment NFTs?

The Earn attribute is fixed and cannot be upgraded. When opening Box NFTs or crafting Equipment NFTs, you have the chance to obtain an item with an Earn attribute ranging from a minimum of 0.01 to a maximum of 0.05. The Earn attribute will be randomly generated within this min-max range. The higher the Earn attribute, the more valuable the NFT item.

Will Equipment NFTs expire ?

There is no expiration date, but each NFT item will have a durability of 3000. After battles, the durability will gradually decrease. When the durability reaches 0, you need to repair it. A certain amount of Tokens will be required for the repair.